My goal with this site is to empower Ketchikan residents with the power of big tech without all the downsides. I will eventually add a few ads but my objective isn't to live off income from this site. If anything I'll advertise my other services on here for free. I felt like having the power of FB without the overbearing moderation or spying would be a benefit to the community.
Groups allow people to segment off into common interests but maintaining local interest.
User news provides an outlet that many loved about sites that are stepping down.
Ads/Classifieds allow users to buy/sell items services and more.
Discussion board to encourage community dialogue.
And basic social functions like this post just to tie it all together.
Eventually I'll add little things and maybe user made "courses"/wikis to share knowledge or gamification. For now though other than changing the look a bit and some words the core functions of what KetchikanDOTCommunity aims to be is live.